mppsc mains 2021 current affairs {04-03-21}

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Mppsc mains Mcq, [04-03-21]

1. यदि 'फाईकस वेनलिंगस' में बैठी 'पैराडाइज फ्लाईएचर' 'लिलियम कैंडिडम' को देख रही है,तो इसी तर्कानुसार वहीं पास में लोगों द्वारा हो रहा एक 'नृत्य' म.प्र. के किस क्षेत्र का प्रमुख नृत्य  सकता है ? 

- मालवा क्षेत्र

- निमाड़ क्षेत्र

- बुंदेलखंड क्षेत्र

- बघेलखंड क्षेत्र

2. In the context of India, which one of the following is  the correct relationship between Rights and Duties? 

- (a) Rights are correlative with Duties

- (b) Rights are personal and hence independent of society and Duties

- (c) Rights, not Duties, are important for the  advancement of the personality of the citizen.

- (d) Duties, not Rights, are important for the stability  of the State.

3. In the Constitution of India, promotion of  international peace and security is included in the  

- (a) Preamble to the Constitution

- (b) Directive Principles of State Policy

- (c) Fundamental Duties

- (d) Ninth Schedule

4.Nanda Devi peak forms a part of [PYQ ]

- (a) Assam Himalayas

- (b) Kumaon Himalayas

- (c) Nepal Himalayas

- (d) Punjab Himalayas

5. The sea coast of which one of the  following states has become as a nesting  place for the giant Olive Ridley turtles  from South America?[ PYQ ]

- (a) Goa

- (b) Gujarat

- (c) Orissa

- (d) Tamil Nadu


* Map By Drishti IAS:-


1. Identify the place where Pong dam Wildlife Sanctuary is located?⮚ Maharana Pratap Sagar (Himachal Pradesh).

2. Identify the state where Tholpavakkoothu shadow puppet play is practiced?⮚ Kerala.3. Locate the place which witnessed a violent incident in 1922, that led to the withdrawal of the Non-Cooperation Movement by Mahatma Gandhi?⮚ Chauri Chaura (Uttar Pradesh).4. Identify the State where the Gaekwad dynasty once ruled?⮚ Gujarat.5. The 'Jerenga Pothar' town recently seen in the news is located in?⮚ Assam.
                   THANK YOU


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आकार IAS, इंदौर
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